Serial: Killer: Red Sea Attacks July 23 2023 on Discovery

Tonight (Sunday July 23 2023), Discovery broadcasts an episode of the series Serial: Killer: Red Sea Attacks!

Episode Summary

Shark attack investigator Brandon McMillan and talented cinematographer Fo Zayed embark on a daring journey to Egypt, determined to unravel the chilling truth behind a series of deadly shark attacks that have shaken the posh resorts lining the beautiful Red Sea.

As the episode unfolds, viewers will follow Brandon and Fo as they venture into the depths of the Red Sea, seeking clues and insights that could shed light on these perplexing and tragic incidents. Armed with their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, the duo aims to understand the patterns and behaviors of these elusive predators, delving into the realm where man and shark collide.

Throughout the episode, the duo’s quest will be fraught with suspense and excitement, as they navigate the vast expanse of the Red Sea, examining evidence and conducting interviews with locals and experts. Will they be able to piece together the puzzle behind these shark attacks and uncover the factors that may have contributed to these terrifying events?

What Time is the Episode On?

The episode of Serial: Killer: Red Sea Attacks will be broadcast on July 23 2023 on Discovery at 10:06 PM at ET/PT.

Is the Episode New?

The episode of Serial: Killer: Red Sea Attacks is all new!

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