The Repair Shop S11E24 24 August 2023 on BBC One

Tonight (Thursday 24 August 2023), BBC One broadcasts an episode of the series The Repair Shop!

Season 11 Episode 24 Episode Summary

In this episode, a 100-year-old shipping log takes center stage, chronicling the remarkable bravery of a seafarer during the tumultuous days of World War II. With dedication and craftsmanship, the team at the Repair Shop gives this treasured artifact a fresh lease of life, ensuring that the courageous story it holds continues to shine through the ages.

Adding to the mix is a tiny table with rickety legs, which enters the shop with hopes of finding stability once again. With their expert hands and passion for their craft, the artisans work diligently to restore this table, ensuring that it can stand strong and steady once more.

Leading the way into the barn is Abdus, bringing with him a treasure that has traveled through time and tides. With the expertise of paper specialist Angelina Bakalarou, this cherished relic from the past receives the attention it deserves. Abdus’s father, Ansol, was a seafarer whose journey led him to become a leader in the world below the decks, where he tirelessly shoveled coal in the sweltering heat.

What Time is the Episode On?

The episode of The Repair Shop will be broadcast on August 24 2023 on BBC One at 3:45 PM.

Is the Episode New?

The episode of The Repair Shop is all new!

The Repair Shop Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Jay Blades
Steven Fletcher
Will Kirk
Suzie Fletcher
Dominic Chinea
Kirsten Ramsay
Brenton West
Lucia Scalisi
Sonnaz Nooranvary
Bill Paterson
Robert Pugh
Tim Weeks
Julie Tatchell

Episode Videos & Previews

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The Repair Shop Series Information

Enter a workshop filled with expert craftspeople, bringing loved pieces of family history and the memories they hold back to life. A heartwarming antidote to throwaway culture.

Olly Green

I specialize in reviewing and analyzing the latest television shows and trends, offering insightful commentary and recommendations to readers. With a keen eye for quality writing, compelling storytelling, and memorable characters, I provide an engaging perspective on the world of television.

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