Andrew Tate: The Man Who Groomed the World? 31 August 2023 on BBC Three

Tonight (Thursday 31 August 2023), BBC Three broadcasts an episode of the series Who is Andrew Tate?!

The Man Who Groomed the World? Episode Summary

Join investigative reporter Matt Shea as he embarks on a cross-continental exploration, seeking to uncover the extent and nuances of Andrew Tate’s influence.

In this episode, the documentary takes audiences on a global odyssey, spanning diverse locations from Romania to Buenos Aires and across the United States. As Matt Shea immerses himself in various cultures and communities, he delves into the complex web of Andrew Tate’s impact and reputation.

As the investigative reporter navigates through different regions, he engages with a range of perspectives, insights, and viewpoints that contribute to the broader narrative. The episode promises to offer a comprehensive understanding of the scale and nature of Andrew Tate’s influence, while allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions based on a diverse array of experiences.

What Time is the “The Man Who Groomed the World?” Episode On?

The The Man Who Groomed the World? episode of Who is Andrew Tate? will be broadcast on August 31 2023 on BBC Three at 9:00 PM.

Is the “The Man Who Groomed the World?” Episode New?

The The Man Who Groomed the World? episode of Who is Andrew Tate? is all new!

Olly Green

I specialize in reviewing and analyzing the latest television shows and trends, offering insightful commentary and recommendations to readers. With a keen eye for quality writing, compelling storytelling, and memorable characters, I provide an engaging perspective on the world of television.

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