Pop Paper City “Doctor Mae-Mae” S1E38 29 October 2023 on Channel 5

Tonight (Sunday 29 October 2023), Channel 5 broadcasts an episode of the series Pop Paper City!

Doctor Mae-Mae Season 1 Episode 38 Episode Summary

Titled “Doctor Mae-Mae,” this episode revolves around a beloved character, Plom, and a broken toy that needs some tender loving care.

Plom’s cherished toy has seen better days, and it’s in dire need of repair. That’s when Doctor Mae-Mae steps in with a heartwarming promise to mend the broken toy and make it as good as new. Her dedication to helping Plom is both heartening and admirable.

However, as the episode unfolds, viewers will witness Doctor Mae-Mae facing a challenging predicament. It turns out that she’s taken on more patients than she anticipated, leaving her feeling overwhelmed. The question arises: will she be able to keep her promise to Plom and fix the cherished toy after all?

What Time is the “Doctor Mae-Mae” Episode On?

The Doctor Mae-Mae episode of Pop Paper City will be broadcast on October 29 2023 on Channel 5 at 10:05 AM.

Is the “Doctor Mae-Mae” Episode New?

The Doctor Mae-Mae episode of Pop Paper City is all new!

Pop Paper City Doctor Mae-Mae Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Nick Mohammed
Eden Gough
Taran Beyer
Hannah Silverman
Rohan Boucher
Sadie Sweet

Doctor Mae-Mae Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Pop Paper City Doctor Mae-Mae Online

Pop Paper City Series Information

It's a Pop Paper City Sports Day and Mae-Mae is the Sports Day judge, but she doesn't have a prize to give out, so she crafts a rosette to give to the sports day champion. When the sports day events begin, Mae-Mae struggles to choose a winner.

Olly Green

I specialize in reviewing and analyzing the latest television shows and trends, offering insightful commentary and recommendations to readers. With a keen eye for quality writing, compelling storytelling, and memorable characters, I provide an engaging perspective on the world of television.

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