Homestead Rescue “Land of Fire and Ice” S11E8 January 14 2024 on Discovery

On Sunday January 14 2024, Discovery broadcasts an episode of the series Homestead Rescue!

Land of Fire and Ice Season 11 Episode 8 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Homestead Rescue” on Discovery, viewers are transported to the challenging landscape of interior Alaska in “Land of Fire and Ice.” The narrative unfolds around a recently divorced single mother who, unprepared for the harsh Alaskan winter, seeks the assistance of the Raneys. Faced with the dual challenges of late summer wildfires and still-frozen ground, the Raneys leverage the unique Alaskan phenomenon of 22 hours of daylight to secure essential water and food stores necessary for the family’s survival through the upcoming winter.

As the episode progresses, audiences can expect a compelling blend of resilience, resourcefulness, and the Raneys’ expertise in overcoming the specific challenges posed by Alaska’s extreme environment. The family’s journey becomes a testament to the tenacity required to thrive in a land of both fire and ice, offering viewers a glimpse into the rigorous lifestyle of those determined to carve out a sustainable existence in the Alaskan wilderness.

What Time is the “Land of Fire and Ice” Episode On?

The Land of Fire and Ice episode of Homestead Rescue will be broadcast on January 14 2024 on Discovery at 8:00 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “Land of Fire and Ice” Episode New?

The Land of Fire and Ice episode of Homestead Rescue is all new!

Homestead Rescue Land of Fire and Ice Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Marty Raney
Misty Raney
Matt Raney

Land of Fire and Ice Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Homestead Rescue Land of Fire and Ice Online

Homestead Rescue Series Information

Idyllic in nature, the concept of living a scaled-down, simpler, off-the-grid life has gained popularity in recent years, but the initial results for many budding homesteaders have been disappointing. The learning curve is steep, especially in the most dangerous and isolated locations across the country. Many families are not equipped with the skills, experience or knowledge of how to grow food, find water, harness power or deal with the threat of predators. In "Homestead Rescue," craftsman and survival expert Marty Raney -- joined by daughter Misty, a farmer, and son Matt, a hunter and fisherman -- attempt to teach these families the essential skills on how to survive -- and thrive -- in the wilderness. Because sustaining a homestead through hunting, fishing, gardening, building upkeep, security, and problem solving is a full-time job. At the conclusion of each episode, the rookie survivalists decide to either tough out their first year or pack up and return to civilization.

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