60 Minutes CBS “Agency in Crisis, Interpol, Modern Ark” January 28 2024

On Sunday, January 28, 2024, “60 MINUTES” will air from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, ET/PT, following the AFC Championship Football Game on the CBS Television Network. Here are the featured segments:

Agency in Crisis

Correspondent Cecilia Vega takes viewers inside the nation’s federal prison system, which has long been considered broken and opaque. She visits a women’s prison in Aliceville, Alabama, where she speaks with inmates who candidly share their concerns about the institution. Additionally, Vega interviews Colette S. Peters, the woman charged with reforming the Federal Bureau of Prisons, as her agency faces significant challenges such as a staffing crisis, aging and deteriorating prison infrastructure, and a persistent pattern of abuse. The segment is produced by Natalie Jimenez Peel.


Bill Whitaker reports from Interpol headquarters in Lyon, France, exploring the international law enforcement agency’s successes in fighting global crime as well as its failures in preventing authoritarian countries from misusing its resources. Countries like Russia, China, and Turkey have used Interpol’s worldwide “wanted person” alerts, known as red notices, to apprehend dissidents and innocent individuals who have fled their home countries. The segment is produced by Graham Messick and Jack Weingart.

Modern Ark

Correspondent Jon Wertheim introduces viewers to Pat Craig, a modern-day Noah who has rescued a variety of animals, including lions from war-torn Ukraine, abused bears from a Korean medical facility, and exotic big cats from the pens featured in Netflix’s “Tiger King” in Oklahoma. These animals are brought to Craig’s expansive animal sanctuary in Colorado. The segment highlights Craig’s most ambitious mission to date: a high-stakes rescue at a zoo in Puerto Rico. The segment is produced by David M. Levine.

Tune in to “60 MINUTES” on January 28th to delve into these compelling stories and investigations on the CBS Television Network.

Alex Matthews

Alex has been an avid fan of television since they were a child, always eager to discover new shows and characters. Over the years, Alex has written numerous articles and essays about television, exploring the themes, characters, and cultural impact of some of the most beloved shows of our time.

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