Frontline “Documenting Police Use of Force” S42E9 April 30 2024 on PBS

On Tuesday April 30 2024, PBS broadcasts an episode of the series Frontline!

Documenting Police Use of Force Season 42 Episode 9 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Frontline” on PBS, viewers are in for an insightful investigation as the documentary series delves into the sensitive topic of police use of force. Titled “Documenting Police Use of Force,” this episode draws on a variety of sources, including police records, autopsy reports, and body cam footage, to shed light on deaths that occurred after encounters with law enforcement.

Through meticulous research and analysis, “Frontline” examines cases where police tactics such as prone restraint and other “less lethal” force were employed. By presenting a comprehensive overview of these incidents, the episode aims to provide viewers with a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding law enforcement practices and their consequences.

Join PBS for an episode of “Frontline” that seeks to uncover the truth behind police use of force incidents. Through thorough investigation and compelling storytelling, “Documenting Police Use of Force” offers viewers a nuanced perspective on a critical issue facing communities across the nation.

What Time is the “Documenting Police Use of Force” Episode On?

The Documenting Police Use of Force episode of Frontline will be broadcast on April 30 2024 on PBS at 10:00 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “Documenting Police Use of Force” Episode New?

The Documenting Police Use of Force episode of Frontline is all new!

Frontline Documenting Police Use of Force Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Martin Smith
Will Lyman

Documenting Police Use of Force Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Frontline Documenting Police Use of Force Online

Frontline Series Information

Frontline" offers an unflinching and compelling look at complex, vital and often-controversial subjects. Each broadcast consists of a long-form news documentary. Topics run the gamut -- from Bernie Madoff's intricate fraud and prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, to AIDs, racial issues and Wal-Mart's effect on the U.S. economy.

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