Lucky Dog “Targeted Training” S11E21 May 18 2024 on CBS

On Saturday May 18 2024, CBS broadcasts an episode of the series Lucky Dog!

Targeted Training Season 11 Episode 21 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Lucky Dog” on CBS, viewers are in for a heartwarming and insightful journey into the world of targeted training in the episode titled “Targeted Training.” Renowned dog trainer Brandon McMillan takes on the challenge of tailoring his training methods to the specific health conditions of three different adopters. As Brandon navigates the unique needs of each adopter, he showcases his expertise in providing personalized training solutions for both dogs and their owners.

Throughout the episode, audiences will witness Brandon’s compassionate approach to training as he works closely with each adopter to address their individual health concerns. From mobility issues to medical conditions, Brandon demonstrates how targeted training can make a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and humans alike. As he helps each adopter overcome their challenges, viewers will be inspired by the transformative power of training and the profound bond between humans and their canine companions.

As the episode progresses, viewers will follow along on the journey as the trained dogs are placed with their new adopters. Through heartwarming scenes and emotional moments, audiences will witness the joy and fulfillment that comes from finding the perfect match between dog and owner. With each successful placement, Brandon’s dedication to his craft shines through, proving that with the right training and guidance, every dog has the potential to become a beloved member of the family.

In a poignant follow-up visit, viewers will have the opportunity to see firsthand how life has changed for both the dogs and their adopters since their initial training sessions. From newfound confidence to improved quality of life, the impact of targeted training is evident in the positive outcomes experienced by each adopter. Through these heartening stories, “Lucky Dog” highlights the profound difference that can be made through compassion, dedication, and the power of the human-animal bond. Don’t miss “Targeted Training,” an episode filled with heart, hope, and the transformative power of love.

What Time is the “Targeted Training” Episode On?

The Targeted Training episode of Lucky Dog will be broadcast on May 18 2024 on CBS at 11:00 AM at ET/PT.

Is the “Targeted Training” Episode New?

The Targeted Training episode of Lucky Dog is all new!

Lucky Dog Targeted Training Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Brandon McMillan
Rashi Khanna Wiese
Eric Wiese

Targeted Training Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Lucky Dog Targeted Training Online

Lucky Dog Series Information

Animal trainers rescue difficult-to-love and untrained dogs that find themselves at the neighborhood animal shelter. The trainers then tackle the involved task of transforming dogs with behavioral issues into model pets, using sound training methods that viewers can use at home to train their own dogs. Each episode showcases the story of the success story of a rehabilitated dog and the family that takes it home.

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