Hot Bench “PT Purple Paint Problem” S10E151 May 29 2024 on CBS

On Wednesday May 29 2024, CBS broadcasts an episode of the series Hot Bench!

PT Purple Paint Problem Season 10 Episode 151 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Hot Bench,” viewers will witness a case titled “PT Purple Paint Problem.” The episode delves into the story of a woman who is disgruntled about her PT Cruiser paint job. She claims she paid more money, waited longer, and received a poorer quality result than she had anticipated. The twist in the tale is that the woman is suing her longtime friends who assured her they could get the job done inexpensively in Mexico.

As the case unfolds, the judges on “Hot Bench” will have to navigate through the complexities of this dispute. The woman’s trust in her friends and their promises has led to a legal battle that will unfold in the courtroom. The episode promises to be filled with drama, emotions, and legal intricacies as the judges listen to both sides of the story and make a fair and just decision.

Viewers can expect intense moments as the plaintiff and defendants present their arguments and evidence. The judges will have the challenging task of unraveling the truth behind the PT Purple Paint Problem. Will justice be served, or will the rift caused by this paint job dispute deepen further? Tune in to “Hot Bench” on CBS to find out how this intriguing case concludes.

What Time is the “PT Purple Paint Problem” Episode On?

The PT Purple Paint Problem episode of Hot Bench will be broadcast on May 29 2024 on CBS at 4:00 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “PT Purple Paint Problem” Episode New?

The PT Purple Paint Problem episode of Hot Bench is all new!

Hot Bench PT Purple Paint Problem Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Michael Corriero
Rachel Juarez
Yodit Tewolde

PT Purple Paint Problem Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Hot Bench PT Purple Paint Problem Online

Hot Bench Series Information

Many popular court shows are on TV. How can the genre improve? How about using a three-judge panel? That's the concept of "Hot Bench," created by Judge Judy Sheindlin. After hearing each case, the judges discuss it among themselves before rendering a verdict. The show's title comes from a term describing a court action in which a judge frequently interrupts lawyers with questions.

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