Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction “You Saw a UFO” S1E1 June 19 2024 on Discovery

On Wednesday June 19 2024, Discovery broadcasts Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction!

You Saw a UFO Season 1 Episode 1 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction” titled “You Saw a UFO,” airing on Discovery, viewers are in for a thought-provoking exploration of alleged encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The episode delves into the experiences of individuals who claim to have had close encounters with extraterrestrial phenomena, presenting a mix of compelling accounts and scientific analysis.

One storyline follows a farmer who, following the death of his father, becomes convinced that he witnessed a UFO hovering over his property. As he grapples with the aftermath of this otherworldly encounter, viewers are invited to ponder the implications of such sightings and the impact they can have on individuals’ lives.

Another segment focuses on a geologist who stumbles upon debris at the infamous Roswell crash site, reigniting speculation and debate surrounding one of the most notorious incidents in UFO lore. Through archival footage and expert commentary, the episode explores the enduring fascination with the Roswell incident and its place in the annals of UFO mythology.

Additionally, the episode features the harrowing account of a mother who claims to have suffered radiation-like burns on her body after witnessing an orb in the sky. Her experience raises questions about the potential physical effects of close encounters with UFOs and fuels speculation about the true nature of these mysterious phenomena.

Tune in to Discovery for this episode of “Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction,” where viewers can delve into the realm of UFO sightings and the enduring mystery surrounding extraterrestrial encounters. With its blend of eyewitness testimony, scientific analysis, and expert insight, the episode offers a compelling examination of the enduring fascination with UFOs and their place in popular culture and scientific inquiry.

What Time is the “You Saw a UFO” Episode On?

The You Saw a UFO episode of Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction will be broadcast on June 19 2024 on Discovery at 10:08 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “You Saw a UFO” Episode New?

The You Saw a UFO episode of Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction is all new!

Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction You Saw a UFO Cast & Stars

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You Saw a UFO Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction You Saw a UFO Online

Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction Series Information

With reports of UAPs (unexplained aerial phenomena) on the rise, UFO experts Mitch Horowitz and Chrissy Newton use scientific data and research to dissect real life encounters with extraterrestrial activity and determine whether or not they can be explained.

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