60 Minutes CBS “Crisis at Pearl Harbor, Dr Kuznetsov, Indian Relay” August 18 2024

On Sunday, August 18, 2024, CBS will air a compelling episode of “60 Minutes” featuring three distinct and impactful segments.

Crisis at Pearl Harbor

The first segment, “Crisis at Pearl Harbor,” investigates a serious environmental and health issue at the Navy’s Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii. Following a fuel spill near the base’s primary drinking water system, military families were assured that their tap water was safe. However, it was later revealed that the water was contaminated with jet fuel. Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi visits the affected area and speaks with families who have suffered health problems due to the contaminated water, shedding light on the Navy’s handling of the crisis.


Dr Kuznetsov

The second segment, “Dr. Kuznetsov,” takes viewers to Ukraine, which has become the most mined country globally. Scott Pelley reports from Izium, one of the most heavily mined areas, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by civilians and the dedicated efforts of deminers and medical professionals. The segment provides a sobering look at the human cost of the conflict and the bravery of those working to address the fallout.


Indian Relay

Finally, “Indian Relay” explores the exhilarating world of Indian Relay racing, a traditional and high-speed sport involving bareback horse racing. Correspondent Bill Whitaker examines how this historic sport, deeply rooted in Native American culture, continues to thrive and provide new opportunities for the youth of horse nation tribes, celebrating both the sport’s past and its growing future.


Alex Matthews

Alex has been an avid fan of television since they were a child, always eager to discover new shows and characters. Over the years, Alex has written numerous articles and essays about television, exploring the themes, characters, and cultural impact of some of the most beloved shows of our time.

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