The 12 stars on its flag symbolize perfection, not geographic or political units

Find out the Final Jeopardy Answer for the episode airing on Tuesday, 8 October 2024!

Today’s Final Jeopardy Category is: World Flags

Today’s Final Jeopardy

The 12 stars on its flag symbolize perfection, not geographic or political units

Final Jeopardy Answer

The Final Jeopardy Answer is: European Union

Final Jeopardy Explanation 

The 12 stars on the EU flag symbolize perfection, unity, and harmony, rather than representing geographic or political units. The number 12 has long been associated with completeness and stability in various cultures and traditions, which is why it was chosen for the design of the flag. The circle of golden stars set against a blue background reflects the ideals of solidarity and cooperation among the member nations of the EU, and the design remains unchanged despite the varying number of member states.

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Alex Matthews

Alex has been an avid fan of television since they were a child, always eager to discover new shows and characters. Over the years, Alex has written numerous articles and essays about television, exploring the themes, characters, and cultural impact of some of the most beloved shows of our time.

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