The largest land deal in U.S. history was formalized in a building at this spot, now named for a military hero & president
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Today’s Final Jeopardy
The largest land deal in U.S. history was formalized in a building at this spot, now named for a military hero & president
Final Jeopardy Answer
The Final Jeopardy Answer is: Jackson Square
Final Jeopardy Explanation
The largest land deal in U.S. history, known as the Louisiana Purchase, was formalized in a building at a spot now named for a military hero and president, Jackson Square in New Orleans. The building where the formal transfer ceremonies took place in 1803 is located within what is now known as Jackson Square, named after Andrew Jackson, a U.S. military hero during the Battle of New Orleans and the seventh President of the United States. Jackson Square, a historic park in the French Quarter of New Orleans, features a prominent statue of Andrew Jackson on horseback and is a key landmark in the city, celebrating its rich history and the monumental event of the Louisiana Purchase.
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