Road Wars “Interstate Inferno” S4E2 November 12 2024 on A&E

On Tuesday November 12 2024, A&E broadcasts Road Wars!

Interstate Inferno Season 4 Episode 2 Episode Summary

The upcoming episode of “Road Wars,” titled “Interstate Inferno,” promises to deliver intense moments and unexpected confrontations. Set in California, this episode showcases the chaotic world of road rage and the consequences that can arise from it.

In this episode, viewers will witness a situation where an angry driver disrupts the peace of a neighborhood. The driver becomes increasingly frustrated and refuses to stop honking her horn at a parked car. This relentless noise creates tension among the residents, who are likely to feel disturbed by the commotion. The scene highlights how one person’s anger can affect an entire community, raising questions about patience and understanding on the roads.

Additionally, “Interstate Inferno” features a more serious incident involving a military veteran. After a collision with another driver, the veteran reacts in a shocking manner by opening fire. This alarming event underscores the potential for violence in road rage situations and the serious implications it can have for everyone involved. The episode aims to explore the fine line between frustration and aggression, leaving viewers to ponder the impact of such actions.

As the drama unfolds, “Road Wars” continues to shed light on the realities of driving in today’s world. With real stories and real consequences, this episode is sure to captivate audiences and provoke thought about road safety and human behavior. Tune in to A&E to catch “Interstate Inferno” and witness the gripping events that unfold on California’s roads.

What Time is the “Interstate Inferno” Episode On?

The Interstate Inferno episode of Road Wars will be broadcast on November 12 2024 on A&E at 9:30 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “Interstate Inferno” Episode New?

The Interstate Inferno episode of Road Wars is all new!

Road Wars Interstate Inferno Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Claire Goose

Interstate Inferno Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Road Wars Interstate Inferno Online

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Road Wars Series Information

Roadways can be a wild place. With violent road rage incidents increasing 500% over the last decade, “road raging” is a human behavior that has become widely known. “Road Wars” takes a deep dive into American roadways, examining extreme human behavior, wild weather, insane accidents and a few welcome instances of acts of kindness.

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