Who Is Isaac Applebaum? Jeopardy Contestant Biography & Stats

Find out everything you need to know about Isaac Applebaum, a Jeopardy Contestant appearing on Season 40 of the show airing on October 23, 2023!

Isaac Applebaum Jeopardy Contestant Profile – Biography & Profession

Isaac Applebaum is a Corporate Development Analyst from Mountain View, California.

NameIsaac Applebaum
Location & ResidenceMountain View, California; Stanford, California
Profession & JobsCorporate Development Analyst at Kriya Therapeutics; Undergraduate Researcher; Jazz Pianist and Bandleader
Gender & SexMale
Age & Date of Birth
Nationality & EthnicityAmerican
Education & SchoolStanford University, majoring in Biology; Pre-med; Richard Montgomery High School graduate
Relationships & FamilyParents met at Stanford; inspired him from a young age
Biography & More DetailsJeopardy College Championship quarterfinalist; Involved in STEM mentorship; Plans to become an oncologist

Isaac Applebaum is a multi-talented individual residing in Mountain View and Stanford, California. Professionally, he works as a Corporate Development Analyst at Kriya Therapeutics, where he applies his scientific and economic knowledge. He is a male of American nationality. Although his age and date of birth are not provided, he is a junior at Stanford University, majoring in Biology with pre-medical intentions. Isaac comes from a family that values education; his parents, who also met at Stanford, inspired his curiosity from a young age.

Isaac gained recognition as a quarterfinalist in the Jeopardy College Championship, where he showcased his wide range of knowledge. He is deeply involved in STEM mentorship programs and has a strong academic background, including research roles and contributions to inclusive education. He is also a jazz pianist and bandleader, indicating his diverse interests and skills. Isaac plans to use his Jeopardy winnings to fund his medical school education, as he aspires to become an oncologist. He also donated some of his winnings to food banks, highlighting his community-oriented values.

Isaac Applebaum Jeopardy Results & Statistics

Looking to find out how Isaac Applebaum did on Jeopardy tonight? Scroll down below to find out their final scores after each round as well as their competitor results!

Returning ChampionContestantContestant
Monday, 23 October 2023Isaac Applebaum
Corporate Development Analyst
Mountain View, California

Final Score: $9,801
Round 2 Score: $6,700
Round 1 Score: $3,800
Pasquale Palumbo
Financial Advisor
Hawthorne, New York

Final Score: $4,900
Round 2 Score: $4,900
Round 1 Score: $2,200
Leah Wiegand
Stay-at-Home Mom
Austin, Texas

Final Score: $12,600
Round 2 Score: $7,600
Round 1 Score: $800

Isaac Applebaum Jeopardy Videos & Highlights

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Contestant Image Credit: Jeopardy Website