Don’t Forget the Lyrics! Season 2 “The Computer Hacker and the Grocery Stacker!” September 12 2023 Preview & Spoilers

Don’t Forget the Lyrics! fans, we’ve got a fresh off the press preview for the new Season 2 episode titled The Computer Hacker and the Grocery Stacker!!

Find out everything you need to know about the The Computer Hacker and the Grocery Stacker! episode of Don’t Forget the Lyrics!, including a full preview, videos, release date, cast information and how to watch!

Don’t Forget the Lyrics! The Computer Hacker and the Grocery Stacker! Season 2 Preview

Get ready for a showdown of musical knowledge in the new episode of “Don’t Forget the Lyrics!” titled “The Computer Hacker and the Grocery Stacker!” airing on FOX at 9:00 PM on September 12, 2023. This episode is set to bring together an unlikely pair of contestants—a computer hacker and a grocery store worker—as they battle it out for the ultimate prize.

In “Don’t Forget the Lyrics!”, contestants are put to the test as they attempt to complete the lyrics to popular songs from various genres. The pressure is on as they strive to remember the words and keep the rhythm, all while competing for the chance to win big.

The cast for this episode features a diverse duo of contestants. On one side, we have a computer hacker with a knack for navigating complex codes and systems. On the other side, a dedicated grocery store worker who spends their days stacking shelves and helping customers. Despite their different backgrounds, both contestants share a love for music and a passion for competing.

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