Global Citizen Festival 23 September 24 2023 on ABC

Tonight (Sunday September 24 2023), ABC broadcasts an episode of the series Global Citizen Festival 23!

Episode Summary

A powerful and impactful event that brings together individuals from around the world in a united call to end extreme poverty. This festival is renowned as the world’s longest-running global campaign dedicated to this vital cause.

As the festival unfolds, it serves as a platform for artists, activists, and global leaders to come together, raise awareness, and champion the mission to eradicate extreme poverty. Through music, speeches, and compelling narratives, the event inspires action and solidarity on a global scale.

What Time is the Episode On?

The episode of Global Citizen Festival 23 will be broadcast on September 24 2023 on ABC at 7:00 PM at ET/PT.

Is the Episode New?

The episode of Global Citizen Festival 23 is all new!

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