Countryfile “Autumn Spectacle” 15 October 2023 on BBC One

Tonight (Sunday 15 October 2023), BBC One broadcasts an episode of the series Countryfile!

Episode Summary

Hosts Joe Crowley and Charlotte Smith take viewers on a captivating journey to the Wash in Norfolk, where one of the UK’s most spectacular wildlife events unfolds—the Snettisham Spectacular.

During the highest high tides of autumn, thousands of wading birds gather on the mudflats of the Wash. As the incoming tide approaches, these birds take to the air in breathtaking unison, creating a mesmerizing display of nature’s grandeur. Joe and Charlotte provide an immersive experience as they build up to this awe-inspiring spectacle and explore what the onset of autumn means for both the people and wildlife of this unique coastal landscape.

Joe Crowley isn’t afraid to get his hands (and boots) dirty as he ventures into the mud to understand why this area is such a magnet for migratory birds. Along the way, he also encounters another winged creature—bats in the belfry of a nearby church, presenting a unique conservation challenge.

Charlotte Smith joins forces with the RSPB, armed with her binoculars, to embark on a birdwatching adventure. She discovers the rich diversity of species that flock to this remarkable stretch of coast, including the remarkable knot.

In a different segment, Tom investigates a pressing issue in the world of jump racing—the safety of horses. He delves into why over a hundred horses lost their lives last year and explores the sport’s plans for a comprehensive safety overhaul.

Adam’s journey takes him to a once-in-a-lifetime experience on the iconic Jurassic coastline. He gets behind the wheel to drive a herd of cattle along the beaches, showcasing the unique connection between agriculture and the breathtaking natural beauty of the British coastline.

What Time is the Episode On?

The episode of Countryfile will be broadcast on October 15 2023 on BBC One at 6:15 PM.

Is the Episode New?

The episode of Countryfile is all new!

Countryfile Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Matt Baker
John Craven
Adam Henson
Ellie Harrison
Helen Skelton
Paul Martin
Tom Heap
Naomi Wilkinson
Steve Brown

Episode Videos & Previews

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Countryfile Series Information

Stories are shared of the people, places and issues at the heart of the British countryside. Popular features include the programme's photography contest, which culminates in a yearly calendar sold to benefit charity, the Video Diary, produced by viewers and focused on life in rural areas, and the weather forecasts.

Olly Green

I specialize in reviewing and analyzing the latest television shows and trends, offering insightful commentary and recommendations to readers. With a keen eye for quality writing, compelling storytelling, and memorable characters, I provide an engaging perspective on the world of television.

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