Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood “Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory” S6E18 January 1 2024 on PBS

Tonight (Monday January 1 2024), PBS broadcasts an episode of the series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood!

Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory Season 6 Episode 18 Episode Summary

In this episode of “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” on PBS, young viewers are in for a delightful adventure as Daniel welcomes his friend Juan Carlos to the neighborhood. Titled “Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory,” the episode revolves around the excitement of planning activities for a special visit. Airing soon, it embodies the core values of friendship and consideration.

Daniel, brimming with enthusiasm, has a list of activities he wants to share with Juan Carlos. However, in a heartwarming twist, Mom gently reminds Daniel to inquire about Juan Carlos’s preferences, emphasizing the importance of considering his guest’s interests. This episode serves as an endearing reminder of the value of communication and thoughtfulness in fostering positive interactions.

As the storyline unfolds, viewers will witness Daniel’s eagerness to showcase his favorite place – the Clock Factory. The anticipation builds as Daniel looks forward to sharing the wonders of the factory with Juan Carlos, highlighting the joy of exploration and the special moments created through shared experiences.

What Time is the “Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory” Episode On?

The Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood will be broadcast on January 1 2024 on PBS at 2:30 PM at ET/PT.

Is the “Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory” Episode New?

The Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is all new!

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory Cast & Stars

Main Cast
Jake Beale as Daniel Tiger
Amariah Faulkner as Katerina Kittycat
Addison Holley as Miss Elaina
Ted Dykstra as Dad Tiger
Heather Bambrick as Mom Tiger
Nicholas Kaegi as Prince Wednesday
Stuart Ralston as O the Owl
Teresa Pavlinek as Lady Elaine Fairchilde
Derek McGrath as Mr. McFeely
Laara Sadiq as Dr. Anna

Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory Episode Videos & Previews

Watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Juan Carlos Visits the Neighborhood; Daniel Shows Juan Carlos the Clock Factory Online

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Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Series Information

The first series inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, son of the original programme's Daniel Striped Tiger. Every day Daniel puts on his red sweater, ties his shoes, and invites a new generation of preschoolers into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe. Daniel shares his daily adventures with pals O the Owl, Katerina Kittycat, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina. With the help of Daniel and his friends, preschoolers have fun and learn practical skills necessary for growing and developing.

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