Established in 1938, this congressional group was still issuing subpoenas in 1969 & finally ceased to exist 6 years later

Find out the Final Jeopardy Answer for the episode airing on Thursday, June 15 2023!

Today’s Final Jeopardy Category is: The U.S. Government

Today’s contestants are Holly Hassel, Suzanne Goldlust and Kiran MacCormick.

Today’s Final Jeopardy

Established in 1938, this congressional group was still issuing subpoenas in 1969 & finally ceased to exist 6 years later

Final Jeopardy Answer

The Final Jeopardy Answer is: House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Final Jeopardy Explanation

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. The HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities by people or organizations suspected of having Communist ties. It was originally intended to be a temporary committee, but became a standing (permanent) committee in 1945.

In the late 1940s and 1950s, the HUAC became known for its investigations into suspected threats of communism within the United States, particularly in the Hollywood film industry. This led to what is known as the Hollywood blacklist, where people were denied employment in the field based on their political beliefs or associations, whether proven or just suspected.

The committee’s influence began to wane in the late 1950s, but it continued to operate and issue subpoenas until 1969. The HUAC was finally abolished in 1975, its functions transferred to the House Judiciary Committee. Despite its formal dissolution, the HUAC left a lasting legacy, having played a key role in the Red Scare that marked the early Cold War years.

Today’s Results & Who Won Jeopardy! Tonight – Thursday, June 15 2023

The results of today’s game will be updated when it airs – warning: spoilers below!

Returning ChampionContestantContestant
Holly Hassel
English Professor
Fargo, North Dakota
1 Day Winnings of $10,500

Final Score: $16,000
Round 2 Score: $8,000
Round 1 Score: $3,600
Suzanne Goldlust
Marketing Manager
Reston, Virginia

Winning Score: $18,700
Round 2 Score: $17,700
Round 1 Score: $5,600
Kiran MacCormick
Math Teacher
Burlington, Vermont

Final Score: $4,800
Round 2 Score: $5,600
Round 1 Score: $2,800

Final Jeopardy Video & Today’s Highlights

Watch the last episode’s Jeopardy highlights before tonight’s episode is aired!

More Final Jeopardy!

Jeopardy! Recaps

Wheel of Fortune Recap



Alex Matthews

Alex has been an avid fan of television since they were a child, always eager to discover new shows and characters. Over the years, Alex has written numerous articles and essays about television, exploring the themes, characters, and cultural impact of some of the most beloved shows of our time.

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