He created a chest drain valve that aided breathing in wounded soldiers in Vietnam but is better known for a lifesaving measure

Find out the Final Jeopardy Answer for the episode airing on Wednesday, June 28 2023!

Today’s Final Jeopardy Category is: The Medical World

Today’s contestants are Chris Ban, Vic Goel and Bryan White.

Today’s Final Jeopardy

He created a chest drain valve that aided breathing in wounded soldiers in Vietnam but is better known for a lifesaving measure

Final Jeopardy Answer

The Final Jeopardy Answer is: Henry Heimlich

Final Jeopardy Explanation

Henry Heimlich was a thoracic surgeon who most widely known for developing the Heimlich maneuver, a lifesaving procedure used to assist a person choking on a foreign object by dislodging it from their windpipe.

Henry Heimlich also developed the Heimlich Chest Drain Valve, or Heimlich valve, a special one-way valve that allows air and blood to drain from the chest cavity in order to allow a collapsed lung to re-expand. This valve was used extensively during the Vietnam War to save soldiers who had chest wounds.

Final Jeopardy Video & Today’s Highlights

Check out highlights from the most recent episode before today’s episode is aired!

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Alex Matthews

Alex has been an avid fan of television since they were a child, always eager to discover new shows and characters. Over the years, Alex has written numerous articles and essays about television, exploring the themes, characters, and cultural impact of some of the most beloved shows of our time.

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