In “A room of one’s own” the “four famous names” are Austen, 2 Brontes & this author who died closest to Virginia Woolf’s own time
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Today’s Final Jeopardy Category is: Women Authors
Today’s Final Jeopardy
In “A room of one’s own” the “four famous names” are Austen, 2 Brontes & this author who died closest to Virginia Woolf’s own time
Final Jeopardy Answer
The Final Jeopardy Answer is: George Eliot
Final Jeopardy Explanation
In “A Room of One’s Own,” Virginia Woolf delves into the struggles and challenges that women writers face, advocating for a metaphorical “room” where they could create freely. She lauds Jane Austen, Emily and Charlotte Bronte, and George Eliot as pioneering women who managed to break through societal constraints. George Eliot, whose real name was Mary Ann Evans, passed away in 1880, making her the closest in time to Virginia Woolf, who was born in 1882.
Woolf’s work is considered a seminal feminist text, and it explores the idea that women need both literal and figurative space to produce creative works. She admired the mentioned writers for their ability to excel despite the limitations imposed upon them due to their gender. Their lives and works greatly influenced Woolf’s own feminist ideals and literary achievements.
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Oops, an editing mistake: Debussy was Friday’s answer not George Eliot.
The correct answer was named in the excellently explained body of today’s TVRegular!
The Real Person!
Thank you Shoshin – appreciate the correction!